
The Singapore Fund Directors Association (SFDA) offers membership types to suit individuals with different experiences in investment funds.

Joining as a member offers you the following opportunities:

  • Engage with relevant authorities on corporate governance trends and exchange views with other industry experts
  • Meet and network via our exclusive educational forums and events
  • Participate and drive the development of corporate governance through training, thought leadership and guidance through regular engagement within the funds industry
  • Share experiences by forming working groups to drive the code of conduct and best practice for fund directors and beyond
  • Obtain fund director certification by completing the stipulated training modules and code of conduct course

Find out more on our Ordinary Membership and Associate Membership by selecting the options below.

  • Ordinary Membership
    12 months
    Package price

    Ordinary Membership is for individuals currently providing directorships to the Fund Management and Asset Management community and have been a director of an investment fund of at least two (2) years, those would primarily be including Independent Non-Executive Directors (INEDs). Members are expected to complete the SFDA Code of Conduct Course to comply with the Code.

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  • Associate Membership
    12 months
    Package price

    Associate Membership is for people currently working in a field associated with investment funds who do not have fund directorship experience or existing directors with less than two years' experience.

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